Winter Solstice and Dirt Dreaming

The winds of winter howled all night last night.  At about 4 am, I gave up on sleeping and headed downstairs to make a fire.  The dogs rallied for a brief moment, sniffing around outside while I split some kindling and now they are back snug in their beds; an occasional dark eye observing me as I write this next to the wood stove.  Such creatures of routine.  

All around us there is talk of blizzards and sub zero temperatures, freezing rain, and freeways closures.  It is as if nature is forcing some down time for us busy humans for the holidays.  I wonder if there will be interruptions in our package deliveries.  I wonder about the pipes freezing.  I wonder when our furnace will get fixed.  Maybe this is the real reason I can't sleep. 

Today is winter solstice and like summer solstice was this year, it as if a little switch went off and the weather became radically different.  This morning I am giving thanks to the shelter from the wind and cold and blowing snow.  I give thanks to the abundance harvested this summer and put away for the darkness of winter.  I am also giving thanks to the darkness and these short days that draw us inside and offer time for internal reflection.  

More time inside without the distractions of the beauty of this wild place to explore also allows me more time to plan.  The seed catalogs are especially enticing this winter, as we leased some land to grow flowers for our products.  Many of the products that we still make today were created when I was farming.  As this company grew, and we moved, we contracted with other growers to provide plants for us.  Now it all feels like I am coming full circle with myself and this little company and I am so excited to grow on a larger scale again.  We will start slowly as we get to know the land and what it will produce.  We will need to build deer fencing and I will get to know all about moving irrigation pipe.  

My daughter Ginger is especially excited to be involved in the growing operations and she has started an Instagram account for the farm if you care to follow along: @the.birds.nest.wc. We named the farm The Birds Nest, like the seed stage that Queen Annes Lace forms, providing sustenance for birds and soft homes for insects; a symbol of abundance, plant vitality, and beauty.  For me, this land offers a deeper connection to Mama Earth and the products we infuse with this beautiful place we call home.  This Dirt Mama is so very excited to share it with you.